Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bathroom from H-e-double hockey sticks...

This bathroom has been a nightmare of a job to tear apart. The walls have 2-4 layers of drywall, depending on the area, a layer of wallpaper and some crazy paneling. Pain in my rear! Then the floor has two layers of plywood, three layers of linoleum and a layer of ceramic tile. This bathroom has been remodeled a few times but nothing has ever been replaced. Soo much dust, dirt, insulation and nasty stuff...all just covered up each previous remodel.

So now we are about clear...we removed the tub, the toilet, the sink, the vanity and the old chimney in the corner that had leaked and rotted some wood. We're in the process of fixing the wood and getting ready to put some new floor down tomorrow.

Chimney #1 - Gone
There is a small crawl space under the floor that we'll fill with a little concrete, then we're good to go.

Off to the lumber company in the morning.

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