Monday, June 30, 2008


I don't think I'll ever get sick of this....

So many friends helping!

Thanks SOO Much to everyone who helped!

NIC came over with his cousin (Ian) and raked leaves under the porch, SWEET.
Nick and Box helped remove the 3rd kitchen floor, took all the shelves out of the basement and broke apart the concrete sink! Awesome.

Heather (shown here ordering lunch) and T-Bird started the lake weeding process.

We had an impromptu fire and weenie roast on Friday night. Harvey, Ian, Ryda, NIC, Ian, Jen and I were there. My dad and Colin showed up at the end.

As always, Jen was hard at work...she removed the walls down in the basement and took it to the kitchen floor (don't hate me it's a cute picture)! Thanks BABE!

Bob the Builder comes back with a helper

We had another busy weekend and got a lot done. Colin and I started by removing the second kitchen floor. Jen came over and took care of the rest with help from Nick and Box.We plugged some holes and put a new sill plate on so the animals would stay out and we have good support to the foundation.
We patched up the sub floor in the bathroom...
Then laid down new sheeting.Colin and I plumbed all the copper and plastic for the sink, toilet and shower. We turned on the water and didn't have ANY leaks!

The all important toilet hole...
Looks like we'll have the bathroom in working order by next weekend.

Weekly Progress

Jen and I worked during the nights this last week to get some stuff done. We got the carpet removed from the living room and spare bedroom. Looks and smells much better. Can you believe the carpet was wet underneath, must have been from the last carpet cleaning. Jen removed the old tiles by the sliding door while I sprayed some bleach on the wet/moldy spots.
We also removed floor #1 from the kitchen. Two more to go.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Monday night we had a planning meeting to determine what needs to be done and where we are at....Bob the Builder (did he grow a beard?) gave me a list and said he's use this pipe on me if I didn't get it done by friday!

Thanks MOM!

Mom bought some presents for me/the house! She got me an organizer, a citronella candle and a SWEET hose (already used it for the concrete)!

Keep moving...

Progress is going well. There was small crawl space under half the bathroom and we had to pour a concrete cap on that to keep the animals/smell out. We found the original front steps under there with the dates above written on them. Pretty cool. I decided to add our own date....
So when you walk in the bathroom this will be under your feet!

The roof got patched, looks pretty good for a temporary job.
We've been rebuilding the rotten area inside and I sprayed down most of the house with a bleach/water mixture to kill any fungus among us along with some of the smell. Tonight is v-ball for me so tomorrow night the carpet and kitchen floor will come out....Jen starting prepping for that, wish me luck.

Jen bought a housewarming present!

Christmas in JUNE! Jen got a pontoon. Thanks to Nic and Ryda (+3 bonus hours each) for finding the listing. It's a 1986 PlayBuoy 24' pontoon. It has a newer deck and carpet and some good looking seats. The guy that had it was a gearhead so it's been welded and reinforced and has a cool captains area. Also, maybe the best part, it's got an 85 HP engine. We'll be able to haul as many people as we can fit along with tubers too! Just needs some minor modifications to make it perfect but for now it's great! PS. Is that dock looking better or worse?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Help Wanted - Skilled Dock Builder

House on a Lake - 30 Years of Debt
Sunset - Free
Your neighbors kid running over your dock with a jet ski the day before you close - Priceless

The count rises....

Mice - 2
Rat - 1 petrified
Large Hornets Nests - 1

stay tuned

Ryda Visits - Never looks at camera

Ryda came over today and helped out. Thank you soo much....she's earning her lake hours already.

Ryda - 6 hours
Everyone else - 0

I'm keeping count...

#1 Helper...

Jen has been my number one helper this whole time. She has worked hard, maybe harder than me, and got a lot of crappy jobs done. She helped conquer the cat pee room and completed the first lawn mowing!! Thanks sooo much babe...can't wait till we can sip a Pina Colada on our pontoon while cruising around the lake.

Bob The Builder!

Bob the Builder arrived on Friday! I couldn't do this without him. Thanks DAD!! Can we fix it? Yes we can!

Bathroom from H-e-double hockey sticks...

This bathroom has been a nightmare of a job to tear apart. The walls have 2-4 layers of drywall, depending on the area, a layer of wallpaper and some crazy paneling. Pain in my rear! Then the floor has two layers of plywood, three layers of linoleum and a layer of ceramic tile. This bathroom has been remodeled a few times but nothing has ever been replaced. Soo much dust, dirt, insulation and nasty stuff...all just covered up each previous remodel.

So now we are about clear...we removed the tub, the toilet, the sink, the vanity and the old chimney in the corner that had leaked and rotted some wood. We're in the process of fixing the wood and getting ready to put some new floor down tomorrow.

Chimney #1 - Gone
There is a small crawl space under the floor that we'll fill with a little concrete, then we're good to go.

Off to the lumber company in the morning.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


How happy am I we now have a dumpster (thanks Eric). Never thought I would say that...

Last night I had volleyball so I didn't get to do any work but I headed over there with Jen, her sis and her sisters friend to take a look and see the dumpster. Looks good and empty...

Tonight I'll be back at it, first picking up a fridge, looking at a boat then heading over there. I'm gonna take a half day off tomorrow, my dad will be down tomorrow night, then I've got Monday and half of tuesday off too...Look for some big progress in the next few days.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday Night Destruction!

Bathroom Before

Bathroom After

I really need a's getting crowded, where should I put my couch?

Injury status:
Two punctures to the hand (stupid staples)
One embedded piece of ceramic tile
Two skinned knuckles (not from the house, actually the doors at Meijer)
Tetanus shot, scheduled for today.